legal notice

Information pursuant to § 5 TMG (German Teleservices Act): Small business owner (exempted according to sales tax law)


Thomas Fuhrmann
Mühlstraße 13
63869 / Heigenbrücken
The website owner (mentioned above) bears responsibility for all published content, images, image motifs and for the visual appearance of the website.

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Liability for content and links

Despite careful checking of content, we can assume no responsibility for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages bear sole responsibility for their content. As operators we are responsible for all content on this websites according to terms of law. However we are not obliged to supervise transmitted or saved extraneous information that indicate illegal actions.


The content and works in this shop created by the site operator are subject to German copyright law. Reproduction, processing, dissemination and any type of use beyond the limits of copyright law require the written permission of the shop operator or creator. Any content on this site not created by the operator is subject to third-party copyright. Please inform us of any suspected breach of copyright law. Any such content shall be removed as soon as a breach is made known to us.